When does a foreign investor need to change the contents of a company license in Vietnam?

When does a foreign investor need to change the contents of a company license in Vietnam?

The businesses in Vietnam that have been operating sometimes have to change and adjust things related to their business situation, for example: changing business lines and changing headquarters,… So when changing the contents of a company license in Vietnam, what should customers pay attention to? Today, Warren B will help customers answer this question.

When does the business in Vietnam do notification of changes to enterprise registration information?

The enterprise shall notify the business registration authority of any change to:

a) The enterprise’s business lines;
b) The founding shareholders and foreign shareholders (for joint-stock companies, except listed companies);
c) Other content of the enterprise registration application.

How long does the business in Vietnam notify a change to enterprise registration information?

The enterprise shall notify a change to enterprise registration information within 10 days from its occurrence.

A joint-stock company shall send a written notification to the business registration authority in charge of the area where the company is headquartered within 10 days from the occurrence of the change to foreign shareholders registered in the company’s shareholder register. Such notification shall contain:

a) The company’s name, EID number, headquarters address;

b) For foreign shareholders who transfer their shares: Names and headquarters addresses of shareholders that are organizations; full names, nationalities, mailing addresses of shareholders that are individuals; quantities and types of shares they are holding; quantities and types of shares being transferred;

c) For foreign shareholders who receive shares: Names and headquarters addresses of shareholders that are organizations; full names, nationalities, mailing addresses of shareholders that are individuals; quantities and types of shares being received; their holdings;

d) Full names and signatures of the company’s legal representatives.

Within 03 working days from the receipt of the notification, the business registration authority shall consider its validity and decide whether to accept the change. The business registration authority shall inform the enterprise of necessary supplementation in writing if the application is invalid or inform the applicant and provide an explanation if the change is not acceptable.

When does a foreign investor need to change the contents of a company license in Vietnam?

Procedures for notifying changes to enterprise registration information under a court decision or arbitration award:

  • The organization or individual that requests to make the change (the requester) shall send a notification to the competent business registration authority within 10 days from the effective date of the court decision or arbitration award. The notification shall include copies of the effective court decision or arbitration award;
  • Within 03 working days from the receipt of the notification, the business registration authority shall consider accepting the change in accordance with the effective court decision or arbitration award. The business registration authority shall inform the applicant of necessary supplementation in writing if the notification is invalid or inform the applicant and provide an explanation if the change is not acceptable.

That is the information about changing the contents of a company license in Vietnam Warren B sent to customers. If customers have any questions, please contact Warren B for more clarification. We hope that the information we provide is useful to customers to start a business in Vietnam.

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